Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Voices of the Lambs

Fear is what caused civilizations and societies to crumble. When men fear the unknown, they resort to syllogisms, pantheism, Christianity, religion and the supranatural. They tried to explain things in ways which their imagination conceives. When something or someone successfully defeated them, they immediately surrender their rights and their liberties.

Such is the fate of men, especially those, whom I consider as "lambs". And who are they?

These are those who fear other men. Their fears are rooted in their inability to understand the world. It's either their DNA or their genes that betray them. 

What conquers people are not the glitter of wealth nor the sweet smell of power. No. It's the superiority of Ideas that claim lives or destroy societies. 

It's not flogging that killed those revolutionaries nor the beheadings of the Christian fathers that defeated pantheism in Rome. It was the victory of a superior Idea that changed Romans, from an idolatrous race to a superior one. 

That's why weak men shudder at the very presence of an Ubermensch. And when they find a group of Ubermenschs ruling them, fear suddenly snatches them. That very act of surrendering one's rights and liberties can be likened to death of the vilest of nature. For it corrupts the very core of men's spirits, transforming them into slaves and robots.

That's what happened with my apprentice Mr. Marocharim. And more of them will succumb to the brilliance of the Ubermensch. It's just a matter of time.


Bren said...

You say that Fear is what caused civilizations and societies to crumble.

You have not taken any serious world history course, have you?

Bren said...

Pick from here (and I hope you can afford the shipping and any tax):

Anonymous said...

you are one crazy bastard. i swear to God. i think you need to see a shrink.

hoypolloy said...

i think your brand of shiznit is refreshing